
Wechaty Contributor Dinner

Yang BAI Yang BAI Follow Apr 21, 2017 · 2 mins read
Wechaty Contributor Dinner


With the development of science and technology, the progress of the society is related to create something useful. And to a certain extent,  the software developers are capable of changing the world.  Last Friday, I was lucky for having an enjoyable conversation with several coders together.

There were 7 guys came to the gathering (including me), 6 programmers, and one used to work for a technical community. We met at 7 pm and would have dinner together in a Chinese restaurant. We’d like to introduce ourselves to each other at the beginning of the meeting with a video recorded.

Huan LI An Angel Investor, Paragliding Pilot and Full Stack Developer. He founded serial enterprises with strong technical background and rich social network experience. He is also the organizer of the meetup.

Hailiang WANG is the leader of Rockq Community and a chatbot developer. He used to work in IBM Innovation Center and the Development Labs. Now he works for Lingling English and in charge of the AI Lead.

Yu XIANG, a Tech geek, employed by the Lenovo Group and he’s also a full- stack developer. He involved a lot of experience about web crawler, 3D Printing and front-end development . As a wechaty contributor, he realized the function of sending pictures.

Jiarui LI, full-stack developer and chatbot developer, also funder of  OrangeInteraction. Fascinated with Jazz, she set up a dancing community in her spare time, and the videos are played more than 10 million times. She is a wechaty contributor too, and an organizer of the wechaty community as well.

Lianxiang LIU, funder of DotEngine, he is a continuous entrepreneur in the domain of RTC.

Yang BAI, majored in French at her university but works as a marketing specialist. She is the formal community manager and marketing specialist of Juejin, a technical community. At present, she works at  tag Design, and responsible for planning and organizing activities.

Lei ZHAO, born in 1996, he is still a college junior student. Doing well in Python and Web Crawler, as well as the framework of digitalized campus, he is addicted to the system of investment bank’s quantitative-trading. All these influence his major for studying abroad.

It is such an honor to meet all these guys and I really appreciate for their sharing. Hope more and more meetups will be started.

Here is the video.

Here is the Chinese version.

4 月 21 日,周五,在北京这个妖风四起满世界柳絮的春天,跟几个朋友一起吃了顿饭。


下午 7 点,虽然晚高峰,但是大家都很给力,如约到达了事先约好的地方。其实这次线下聚会的 7 个人并非都是互相熟悉的,所以刚开始见面的时候,颇有种“见网友”的感觉,好在开发者谈起技术问题来,就满腔热忱,口若悬河,所以大家很快就熟悉了。


李卓桓:PreAngel 投资人。zixia BBS、叽歪网创始人,优酷网首席科学家,水木清华BBS站长。清华大学本科,中欧国际工商学院EMBA。清华企业家协会移动互联网副主席,中欧移动互联网协会发起人。

王海良:Rockq 社区领袖,呤呤英语 AI Lead,曾就职 IBM 创新中心、研发中心,他也是 Chatbot 开发者。

向宇:Tech geek,全栈开发工程师,就职于联想。对爬虫,3D打印,前端开发,网络等方向积累丰富经验。他也是 wechaty contributor,贡献了 wechaty 发送图片功能。

李佳芮:全栈开发、chatbot 开发者,桔子互动创始人,爵士舞爱好者,业余创建舞蹈社群,全网播放过千万,wechaty contritubor,wechaty 社群发起人。

刘连响:DotEngine 创始人, 音视频实时通信领域连续创业者。

羊三岁: 前掘金社区运营、市场策划,掘金翻译计划负责人,目前就职于 tag Design ,负责市场活动和内容运营,是一个会讲法语的市场妹子。

赵磊:96 年大三小鲜肉,擅长 Python 网络及爬虫开发,大型数字化校园系统架构开发,钟情研究投行量化交易系统,并希望以此作为出国读研学习方向。


Author: Yang BAI, formal community manager at JueJin(Chinese Hacker News)

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Written by Yang BAI
formal community manager at JueJin(Chinese Hacker News)