This Wechaty Contributors Dinner is sponsored by Data Girl.
The above contributors are:
- 李佳芮, Microsoft AI MVP, Founder & CEO of BotOrange
- 王海良, Microsoft AI MVP, Founder & CEO of ChatOpera
- 李卓桓, Microsoft AI MVP & Regional Director, Author of Wechaty
- 尹婷, Microsoft VS MVP, Frontend Developer in ChengDu
- 梁迪, CPM at Microsoft
- 雨鸟 , A devops engineer focus on Kubernetes
- 令狐曦, CS Student from BUPT, Baidu AI UNIT Lecturer
- 谢扬, ByteDance Hacker, former CTO of Awesome Port
- 胡莺夕, CS Student from BUPT, NLP Algrithm Intern at Microsoft Research Aisa
- 王宁, CS Student from BUPT, Frontend Intern at Alipay