
Wechaty Country Wide Developer Conference

Jiarui LI (李佳芮) Jiarui LI (李佳芮) Follow Sep 15, 2018 · 2 mins read
Wechaty Country Wide Developer Conference

Wechaty Contributors

The above contributors as follows, sort by the order of the contributor in the photo:

  1. 李卓桓, Microsoft AI MVP & Regional Director.
  2. 林贻民, CS Student from BUPT, author ofwechaty-puppet-ioscat, which is a ios plugin to help Wechaty to control the Wechat.
  3. 李彬彬(杉木), freelancer, author of padchat-sdk, which is a ipad solution to control Wechat.
  4. 高原, Co-founder of BotOrange. author of wechaty-puppet-padchat, which is a ipad plugin to help Wechaty to control the Wechat.
  5. 张灵箫, Co-founder of 小理智能, Musical lover, Movie addict. He just integrate wechaty with their information bot.
  6. 伍翀, CTO from a listed company called 路骋国旅(831320), mainly focus on data analysis. He wrote a bot share PUFA bank point and share point to get a gift from the bank.
  7. 谢扬, ByteDance Hacker, former CTO of Awesome Port. He started his own business when he was a junior student at the university.
  8. 丁煜恒, MicroSoft AI engineer, focus on provide AI solution for big company.
  9. 李佳芮, Microsoft AI MVP, Founder & Co-founder of BotOrange.
  10. 罗淼, Full stack developer at ColorfulClouds, interested in AI, Game and Philosophy. He built a translator bot based on their translate API and wechaty.
  11. 龚澄(Gcaufy), Author of WePY, a mini program framework for Wechat. Tencent Engineer.

Thanks to 李彬彬(杉木) and 龚澄(Gcaufy), they come to Beijing so we try to have this interesting meet-up, talking about wechaty ideas and chatbot. When 伍翀 heard about 李彬彬(杉木) will come this conference, he bought an airline form Shanghai to Beijing.

Here is their sharing:

  • 李卓桓: talk about his ideas about wechaty and some interesting words: hostie, botie and giftie.
  • 龚澄(Gcaufy): talk about his understanding and love for open source, also, he shared his open source project WePY, which is a mini program framework and has more than 14000 stars.
  • 李彬彬(杉木): talk about ipad network protocal and related technology.
  • 林贻民: talk about how to encapsulate a new puppet when he build wechaty-puppet-ioscat
  • 高原: talk about his experience when encapsulate wechaty-puppet-padchat
  • 谢扬: talk about his new Authenticator System authing
  • 罗淼: talk about his translator bot and the experience using wechaty.
  • 张灵箫: talk about his intresting information bot and the experience using wechaty.

Introduction Video

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Written by Jiarui LI (李佳芮) Follow
Co-Creator of Wechaty; 句子互动创始人 & CEO,微软人工智能最具价值专家 (AI MVP)