本人是中国科学院心理研究所研究员,博士生导师,心理所抑郁症大数据国际研究中心主任,心理所磁共振成像研究中心副主任,入选爱思唯尔 2019年中国高被引学者(神经科学)。本人对静息态功能磁共振成像(R-fMRI)的计算方法进行了规范化,建立了被引2000余次的脑成像流水线式计算平台DPARSF,并建立了脑成像分析与共享平台DPABI和基于大脑皮层的脑成像数据分析软件DPABISurf。 DPABI/DPABISurf/DPARSF系列软件拥有众多用户,因此需要构建一个机器人助理来回答用户的相关问题。另外,机器人助理要辅助管理相关的多个微信讨论群The R-fMRI Journal Club,并对用户对领域内文献的讨论和相关脑影像技术问题进行桥接。本项目是wechaty在学术场景应用的一个示范。
YanBot is an academic chatbot application to help Dr. Chao-Gan Yan for answering DPABI/DPABISurf/DPARSF questions and managing The R-fMRI Journal Club wechat groups.
YanBot could answer questions including DPABI软件下载、DPARSF软件下载、DPABI软件安装、DPARSF软件安装、DPABISurf软件安装、DPABI编译版软件安装、Demo演示数据、在线网络课程、数据处理报错、常问问题、抑郁症大数据联盟数据下载、加入抑郁症大数据联盟。
YanBot is also a manager for The R-fMRI Journal Club groups, where people are discussing R-fMRI related papers and DPABI/DPABISurf/DPARSF questions. YanBot will invite new friend to The R-fMRI Journal Club groups automatically.
YanBot also bridges The R-fMRI Journal Club 1 and The R-fMRI Journal Club 2 groups, he will also bring the nickname of a user in a specific wechat group to another group. In such a way, users could talk with each other even without in the same wechat group.
If you want to build some chatbot for your own purpose, then YanBot would be a good example!
Tips to be shared
YanBot is an academic chatbot application based on wechaty. As YanBot needs to bridge the the R-fMRI Journal Club wechat groups, it also uses the RoomConnectors from wechaty-plugin-contrib.
However, the code example
map: async message => message.from()?.name() + '(many to many): ' + message.text(),
has a limitation: People always set nickname (RoomAlias) in a wechat group (chatroom), but the code example will not bring the GroupAlias to another room, thus people in another chatroom doesn’t know who the speaker is.
My modification
map: async message => await message.room()?.alias(message.from()??bot.userSelf()) + '(另群): ' + message.text(),
will forward the nickname (RoomAlias) from one chatroom to another chatroom, thus people can talk across rooms more conveniently.
Hope this tips helps for others!
Author: Chaogan-Yan Professor, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Code: Github