
Wechaty Puppet Providers Trends

Huan Li Huan Li Follow Mar 04, 2021 · 1 min read
Wechaty Puppet Providers Trends

Do you want know which Wechaty Puppet Provider is most used by our Wechaty developers?

Wechaty Puppet Provider (WPP)

Different IM systems need different Wechaty Puppets, and they have different names, and all implementing the Wechaty Puppet API; we call them the Wechaty Puppet Provider. For example, the WPP who is supporting WeChat is named wechaty-puppet-wechat, supporting Whatsapp is named wechaty-puppet-whatsapp, and supporting Lark is named wechaty-puppet-lark. And our community are also building the Wechaty Puppet Service (Providers) for any RPA protocol.

We are very interested in how many users choose which WPP. Luckily, an open-source project named NPM Trends is an NPM package comparison app hosted at written by John Potter.

So we can get to know how many users are using which WPP in the past:

Wechaty Puppet Providers Trends

  1. wechaty-puppet-wechat(renamed from wechaty-puppet-puppeteer) is the top 1 used WPP, which has around 300 downloads per day.
  2. wechaty-puppet-service follows as second, which is our official Wechaty Puppet Service Provider, with around 200 downloads per day.
  3. wechaty-puppet-padlocal is a new star from our community, which is the third most used WPP now. It provides the pad protocol to the community. Thank you very much @padlocal, for creating this WPP & WPS! It is around 180 downloads per day.


If you are interested in the adaption of WPPs, you can visit the NPM Trends service to learn the Wechaty Puppet Providers Trends.

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Written by Huan Li Follow
Creator of Wechaty, building chatbots for fun.