
Create easy to learn tutorials for beginner users of Wechaty

Jaya Gupta Jaya Gupta Follow May 03, 2021 · 6 mins read
Create easy to learn tutorials for beginner users of Wechaty

My name is Jaya Gupta, I am a 3rd year Informational Technology Student currently persuing my B.Tech from HMRITM, Delhi. I have learned various programming languages such as C , C, PYTHON, DJANGO, Machine Learning, Deep Learning.

I have designed variety of projects using Web Development, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Django. Also received position in hackathons and still working to achieve more. I am also very proficient in writing codes in Python and C language.

I with my fellow team mates have designed a project named AAYE(Appointment At Your Ease) which aims to help patients have their daily routine check-ups with their doctors at home especially at the time of pandemic , so that we can break the traditional queue system.

I have created a web application to detect skin cancer using art of technique called deep learning to help people and doctors to work on the next step immediately instead of wasting time on waiting for reports, it also includes an online forum so people can discuss and share their opinion, a mask detector using machine learning to help people know who is wearing mask or not especially in public places such as shops, malls etc.

I really enjoy solving different questions from various competitive programming site in my free time. I believe, the developers and programmers of technology field are the inventors of 21st century. For me working in IT, particularly is a lot more than just punching numbers and code. It’s a highly creative endeavour, one that keeps a person on his toes and requires him to come up with solution to problems every single day. This single thought enthuses me to work in this field as it would bring best out of me, because it asks for so much. It could be any area in the technology, but the work will rarely, if ever, be boring. I, with my proper set of skills, in this technical field want to make things, no matter how trivial-easier, faster and better.

This is my first time in GSOD, Iam not very proficient in technical writing, I am still learning. But I can vouch for the fact that I am a fast learner. I am always open to learn and unlearn at the same time.Honestly, joining this esteemed organization will help me learn a lot. I would love to seek the guidance of experienced and learned teams that are already onboard.

Personal Infromation

Project Proposal

*Open source organization:- Wechaty

Project Title

Create easy to learn tutorials for beginner users of Wechaty.

Problems in current Project

When new users come to Wechaty website in order to build a chatbot application for solving their problems, they found it difficult to use.Despite of video tutorials and current howto guide, the learning curve is not friendly to the users, they always struggle with setting up with their development environment, even find difficult to get started with the simplest example source code, and it become hard for them to use the API.

What I found as a problem ?

According to my research the first most problem is that the video lecture is not understandable due to language barrier and the video is also not short and concise. Even the publication is also not easy to understand.The content is not in an actionable form which leads to developers struggling to set-up-environment or running the test code.

My Approach To the Problem

Understanding the contributors

Before moving ahead how to solve the problem, I consider that knowing your contributors is very important. The first task is always to know :- What do they want ? Why do they want to ? When they want? then we should move ahead towards how to help them, it would give us clear understanding about the faults and how to fix them?

Make video tutorials

According to my research, current video tutorials are not helpful. Areas to work on :-

Video tutorial with a serial wise playlist. Each video should be less than 10 min at least. Short assignment at the end of each video to keep the audience engaged. After each video provides the solution of that assignment so that users can get their queries clear simultaneously.

Managing video content

We need to structure the content in a meaningful way. The proposed content structure and presentation is to split the tutorial into high level units/ sections. Each unit/section will have the following components. Below are the proposed components of a unit. Each unit needs to have a link to the next and previous unit.

Starting Section

This section should contain the brief summary about what we are going to learn in this video, or table of content so that the user can get the idea of what they will be learning.

Main Section

This section will contain howto steps and all the content that was written in the starting section with brief explanation about the content and also a floating headline of the definition of words that might seem new to the user.

Ending Section

This section provides the summary of the video and assignment ques related to that video to help the user understand the concept practically.

Other resources

The solution of the previous assignment with short explanation. Link to wechat API so that user can directly go there and try it out

Proposed Timeline

Before 30 April

  • Contribute to the organization.
  • Understand and learn how to use Wechaty.
  • Make notes of the problem I face.

Week - 1

  • Re-document getting started page
  • Communicate with volunteers to know about their suggestions.

Week - 2

  • Redocument help and contact page
  • Redocument Installation
  • Redocument Quick start setup

Week - 3

  • Hands-on tutorial’s Homepage
  • Basic tutorials for beginners

Week - 4

  • Create a bot : To reorganise the page, add items to left fields and conversion of codes to 5 different programming languages
  • Make Video tutorial content

Week - 5

  • Deal with message : To reorganise the page, add items to left fields and conversion of codes to 5 different programming languages.
  • Manage rooms : To reorganise the page, add items to left fields and conversion of codes to 5 different programming languages.

Week - 6

  • Process files : To reorganise the page, add items to left fields and conversion of codes to 5 different programming languages.

Week - 7

  • Manage contacts : To reorganise the page, add items to left fields and conversion of codes to 5 different programming languages.
  • Construct page for Heroku usage : To add content along with some visuals for better experience.

Week - 8

  • Construct page for Heroku usage : To add content along with some visuals for better experience. Reorganise Pugin with wechaty page : To reorganise all the content and add some photos for making it interesting.

Week - 9

  • Reorganise Pugin with wechaty page : To reorganise all the content and add some photos for making it interesting. Reorganise Pugin with wechaty page : To reorganise all the content and all photos for making it interesting.

Week - 10

  • Conversion of Blogs to english language with possible images as well
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Written by Jaya Gupta
Python Developer