
Shraddha Vasant Prasad: 2021 Google Season of Docs Technical Proposal

Shraddha Vasant Prasad Shraddha Vasant Prasad Follow May 05, 2021 · 3 mins read
Shraddha Vasant Prasad: 2021 Google Season of Docs Technical Proposal

I am Shraddha Vasant Prasad, 2020 graduate and currntly working as a Software Engineer At American Express, I describe myself as “Developer in the making and a Blogger by passion”

Technical writer Details

Project name

Create easy to use tutorial for Wechaty

Project length

Standard length (3 months)


User Doc is the most important integral part of any software be it paid or open source. The user docs site is designed to assist end-users to use a product or service. The good user docs site is very important because it provides an avenue for users to learn how to use the software, its features, tips, tricks and also resolve common problems encountered when using the software. It also reduces support cost and is part of the corporate identity of the product. The good user docs site is a sign of healthiness of the product, the developer team. Without good user docs site, a user may not know how to do the above things effectively and efficiently. My personal ideas to the product would be that I will definitely create a new tutorial page which gives a detailed and structured introduction to the software from installation to the end-user usage. the below are my personal ideas on the project:

  • Markdown: - So that technical writers don’t have to worry about installation. They can write simply in the .md file. Anyone can click on edit button shown on the website (new feature) and contribute making it better. This will engage users to add new content or edit content to improve it.
  • Documentation Search: - User should be having a search box so that they can easily and quickly find out relevant contents.
  • Comments Section: - User may have the option to comment and share their views on posts and tutorials. They can able to read other people views on project documentation.
  • New Release Notes and Blogs: - The website should be updated with new blog posts and news about current development and roadmap.

Let me now, give a detailed description of the new website look

Wechaty User Guide Page

  • Installation guide.
  • Quick start with Wechaty.
  • Wechay Developer Guide Page:- Development Guide, Contribution guide, Git setup, Code of Conduct, Documentation setup
  • About Wechaty Page:- List of all the contributors should be present in team sections Quick links and release notes, latest blogs will be added to engage the user to make them read about the latest Wechaty versions or so. Also read the uses of Wechaty
  • Blogs, Release Notes and Tutorials Page:- The tutorial page will contain some popular talks and articles that clarify Wechay concepts. Contributors can add their tutorial links in the tutorial page.


I am the right person for the project because

  • I have past experience of using Github and also been contributing to open source for more than an year now
  • I have been top open-source contributor in many open-source contributions like Hackincodes and Girlscript Summer of Code.
  • I have also been technical writer in GlobalCert Singapore and Girlscript summer of code for 2 months each
  • I am also Medium blog writer and also at LoginRadius(My blockchain blog became rally famous)
  • I am really interested in this project as it creates value for people and new bees who want to use Wechaty and also for the dedication with which I work in my current company my leaders are really happy and appreciate the dedicated work I do.
  • I am also interested in working for Introduction ,Landing Page or References Page with a team member
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Written by Shraddha Vasant Prasad
I am a Software engineer at American Express