
GSoD'21 Second Month Evaluation

Rohitesh Kumar Jain Rohitesh Kumar Jain Follow Jul 23, 2021 · 4 mins read
GSoD'21 Second Month Evaluation

Google Season of Docs’21 second month evaluation

Post Summary

In phase two of the Google Season of Docs’21 program, technical writers have carried the great work they were doing. Few projects are coming towards completion, and each project has made more than 50% progress, which is excellent and up to the mark.

Also, we had 3 meetings in this phase to discuss aspects related to the GSoD’21 project.

You can learn more from our meeting notes.

This post gives an overview of the performance of tech writers in the second phase

Tutorials for users of Wechaty team

Shwetal Soni is more or less up with her timeline and has completed tasks as per her proposal on time. She also knows how to report errors to the mentors in the from issues which is great. She also diligently maintains the follow-up sheet and her Github issue.

Souviks’ quality of docs has exponentially improved in the second phase, and his few PRs towards the end of the second phase have been very fluent and exceptional. Like his teammate, he has also completed most of the tasks as per the timeline. Also, he has been consistent like her teammate in the program, attending every meeting, and committing at a regular frequency. He also fixed a few technical errors.

Overall the tutorials team is very dedicated to the project. Both of them did exceptional on their PRs, and also walked the extra mile to make the documents more friendly to the users, like adding code sandbox. Besides, we also made some modifications to the structure. A new document about the “starter bot” is added. For the sake of the new document, though some of the documents were finished earlier, they still spent time modifying the old documents which are not on their proposal.

They have complete about 55% of their GSoD work.

Tutorial follow-ups

Introduction and Explanation team

Their project should have ended by now, but they have submitted almost everything on time. Mainly they polished and revised their PRs in this phase. We are expecting their final project report in the next phase. Iterations in their PRs are still going on, thanks to Rui for actively reviewing them.

They have completed 90% of the work

Introduction and Explanation follow-ups

Reference Section team

Shraddha has been very consistent and has been regularly committing PRs. She also implements all the suggestions in her PRs. She takes a lot of effort in reviewing other PRs and also helping the community by placing relevant labels.

Soumi was out for quite a long period, so she needs some time to catch up on how to do documentation. Her contribution is fine now, but currently, her document style is a bit different from the rest of the team. She is also very hard working now so we expect this would not be a question.

Collectively they have completed around half of their work, and Shraddha has completed about 55% of her work.

Reference Section follow-ups

Reconstruct Landing Page with Value Propositions team

Sajen is always enthusiastic about his work, and he works with utmost seriousness about his project.

They are working on both the new landing page and the introduction project video. They are yet to raise the PR for their work but seeing his draft landing page volunteers guess that their project has progressed about 70%

We would like to hear more from Arnab in the coming days, and I would like to urge him to be more responsive to emails, most of the replies come from Sajen, maybe they have divided work like that, but we are looking forward to hearing from his as well. Also, he forgot to fill the 2nd survey form despite being given a reminder.

Landing Page follow-ups

Improve the gRPC and OpenAPI ecosystem team

He added Swagger UI to Express Route by default, which we believe is a subproject in itself!

Although not much docs as we expected in GSoD to be, but he has added enough value to his project by adding code. Another thing we have seen is a bunch of refactoring PRs from him, we are not sure that we should be that much concerned about pretty printing the code

He has diligently maintained the follow-ups this phase. His few PRs can be reviewed by the code contributors only we believe, his PRs involving docs and pretty-printing the code have been reviewed by the volunteers.

Volunteers believe his work to be 90 % complete


How-to Guides team

Their PRs have been easy to review, and they have been comfortable with Git this phase. There is great coordination between the team, and they are very organized.

The how-to guide’s team is very hardworking, and their improvement is very significant.

Their work is about 85% completed


Suggestions for the upcoming months

Tech Writers want faster PR reviews and merging, so that is an area for us to improve, and we have improved a lot as compared to the previous phase.

Special thanks to Simin for adding her evaluations in this post and maintaining the Wechaty follow-ups sheet for tracking timelines of tech writers.

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Written by Rohitesh Kumar Jain
Programmer, fitness freak, open-source software development contributor, adaptable, swift learner, smart, get things done at the end of the day, and definitely not a quitter.