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Listen to events


The Wechaty Events are all the same acrossing Polyglot Wechaty programs!

Basic Events

scan Event: QR code

TODO: introducing scan event

import { ScanStatus } from 'wechaty'

async function onScan (
qrcode: undefined | string,
status: ScanStatus,
) {'Scan QR Code to login, status:', status, ScanStatus[status])'' + encodeURIComponent(qrcode))

bot.on('scan', onScan)
await bot.start()

login Event: bot contact

TODO: introducing login event

import { Contact } from 'wechaty'

function onLogin (bot: Contact) {'Bot logged in:', bot)

bot.on('login', onLogin)
await bot.start()

logout Event

TODO: introducing logout event

// TODO: Pull Request is welcome!

message Event

TODO: introducing message event

import { Message } from 'wechaty'

function onMessage (message: Message) {'New message:', message)

bot.on('message', onMessage)
await bot.start()

friendship Event: friend requests

TODO: introducing friendship event

// TODO: Pull Request is welcome!

Room Events

room-topic Event: messages

TODO: introducing room-topic event

// TODO: Pull Request is welcome!

room-invite Event: messages

TODO: introducing room-invite event

// TODO: Pull Request is welcome!

room-join Event: messages

TODO: introducing room-join event

// TODO: Pull Request is welcome!

room-leave Event: messages

TODO: introducing room-leave event

// TODO: Pull Request is welcome!

System events

ready Event

TODO: introducing ready event

// TODO: Pull Request is welcome!

heartbeat Event: messages

TODO: introducing heartbeat event

// TODO: Pull Request is welcome!

error Event

TODO: introducing error event

// TODO: Pull Request is welcome!