
Wechaty-Puppet-Whatsapp Has been Published

univerone univerone Follow Feb 15, 2021 · 3 mins read
Wechaty-Puppet-Whatsapp Has been Published

With the introduction of wechaty puppet and the growth of the wechaty ecosystem and community, we’re happy to introduce wechaty-puppet-whatsapp which connects Wechaty API, the conversational RPA SDK for chatbot makers, and WhatsApp, a free, multi-platform messaging app.

As a developer, you can use wechaty-puppet-whatsapp to build your own WhatsApp chatbot with a few lines of code, which can send and receive WhatsApp messages with wechaty API.

Getting started

First, you should install the package.

npm i wechaty-puppet-whatsapp
npm i wechaty

To enable the display of QR code in the terminal, qrcode-terminal should also be installed.

npm i qrcode-terminal

Then, you can implement your bot in a few lines of code, here is an basic demo:

import { Wechaty, log}  from 'wechaty';
import qrterminal  from 'qrcode-terminal';
import { PuppetWhatsapp}  from 'wechaty-puppet-whatsapp';

const puppet  = new PuppetWhatsapp()
const bot = new Wechaty({ puppet })

  .on('scan', qrcode => qrterminal.generate(qrcode, { small: true }))
  .on('login', user =>`User ${user} logged in`))
  .on('message', message =>`Message: ${message}`))

  .then(() =>'StarterBot', 'Starter Bot Started.'))
  .catch(e => log.error('StarterBot', e))

After scanning a WhatsApp QR code and logging in, you can view the received messages in the terminal, feel free to implement your own function over the messages based on your need.

basic demo

Next Steps

As always, feel free to file an issue on the github repo for any feedback.

wechaty-puppet-whatsapp is an open-source project. If you’re interested in contributing to this project, check out the contribution guidelines to learn more, and welcome to join the Wechaty Developers’ Home or our Gitter network to join our community.

Here are some features to be implemented:

Feature Status
Send and Receive text messages
Send media (images/audio/documents)
Send video
Receive Video
Receive media (images/audio/video/documents)
Send contact cards
Get invite for group
Modify group subject
Add group participants
Kick group participants
Mention users
Get contact info
Get profile pictures
Set user status message


Wechaty Puppet Whatsapp is built on top of whatsapp-web.js, which is A WhatsApp client library for NodeJS that connects through the WhatsApp Web browser app, created by Pedro S. Lopez, @pedroslopez.

Learn more

Other than WhatsApp, wechaty ecosystem also supports different instant messaging (IM) systems(such as TikTok, Dingding), you can refer to the following links for more details:

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Written by univerone
I am new to computer science,and I want to be a professional researcher.