
Summer of Wechaty, 我们来啦

Rui Fan (范蕊) Rui Fan (范蕊) Follow Mar 14, 2021 · 1 min read
Summer of Wechaty, 我们来啦

去年夏天,Wechaty 社区参与了“开源软件供应链点亮计划-暑期2020”(以下简称暑期2020)活动,在为期三个月的开发结束后,多位同学顺利完成开发,为 Wechaty 社区实现多平台、多语言、多功能贡献了智慧和力量。点此了解更多

今年,我们计划继续参与暑期2021系列活动 ,吸引更多的新鲜血液加入 Wechaty 社区,共同推动 Wechaty 成为易用度最高、可迁移性最强的聊天机器人框架。



Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS) Open Source Promotion Plan (OSPP) encourages everyone to pay close attention to open source software and open source community, aiming to cultivate and explore more outstanding developers. ‘Summer 2021’ will be held in this summer. We will collaborate closely with the open source community to provide one-to-one mentor guidance and invite some specialists to conduct free online lectures. In order to promote the development of open source software and facilitate the construction of excellent open source software community, we encourage researchers, open source enthusiasts, professors as well as students to participate in the development and maintenance of open source software. Furthermore, ‘Summer 2021’ is supposed to increase the activity of open source projects, and promote the development of open source ecology.

开源软件供应链点亮计划鼓励大家关注开源软件和开源社区,致力于培养和发掘更多优秀的开发者。 活动将在暑期进行,我们将与开源社区紧密合作,提供一对一的导师指导,邀请技术大牛开展线上免费讲座。 我们鼓励研究人员、开源爱好者、在校师生参与开源软件的开发与维护,促进开源软件的发展和优秀开源软件社区建设, 增加开源项目的活跃度,推进开源生态的发展。


Kick off meeting


Mentor Wanted



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Written by Rui Fan (范蕊) Follow