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Managing rooms

Managing room is one of the important features in Wechaty. The word "room" here refers to Wechat rooms (also called groups). You can instruct the bot to create a new room, change the topic (or name) of the room, add a contact to a specific room, remove a contact from a room, and mention(@) someone in the room.


A Room can be identified by either groupId or room topic (room name)

Creating New Room

// TODO: Pull Request is welcome!

Adding contact to room

add accepts 'Contact' as an argument. You can get the Contact by using msg.talker().

import {
} from 'wechaty'

//helper function
async function putInRoom(person: Contact, room: Room) {
//Add a log"Bot", 'putInRoom("%s", "%s")',, await room.topic());

try {
//Try put the person into the room
await room.add(person);
} catch (e) {
//any error will be here
log.error("Bot", "putInRoom() exception: " + e.stack);

//in the main code
//If the secrete code is ding
if (msg.text() === 'ding') {
//get the Person/Contact
const from = msg.talker();

//find the targetRoom from the bot's room list
//Option1: by group id
//set the targetRoomId
const tagetRoomId = '12345678910@chatroom'
const targetRoom = await bot.Room.find({id: tagetRoomId})
//Option2: by group name
// const tagetRoomTopic = 'testGroup'
// const targetRoom = await bot.Room.find({topic:tagetRoomTopic})
if (targetRoom instanceof Room) {
await putInRoom(from, targetRoom);
} else {'Cannot find room, unable to put the person into the room')

Remove contact from room

// TODO: Pull Request is welcome!

Changing topic of the room

topic accepts a String as an argument. You can find the Room by either room name (a String) or room id (format '12345678910@chatroom')

import {
} from 'wechaty'
//helper function
async function changeRoomTopic(room: Room) {"Bot", 'changing room topic for group', await room.topic());
const newName ="newName"
try {
await room.topic(newName);

} catch (e) {
log.error("Bot", "changeRoomTopic() exception: " + e.stack);

//Option1: by group id
//set the targetRoomId
const tagetRoomId = '12345678910@chatroom'
const targetRoom = await bot.Room.find({id: tagetRoomId})
//Option2: by group name
// const tagetRoomTopic = 'ceshiqun'
// const targetRoom = await bot.Room.find({topic:tagetRoomTopic})
if (targetRoom instanceof Room) {
await changeRoomTopic(targetRoom);
} else {'cannot find room, unable to changeRoomTopic')


Mention(@) others in the room

await room.say`Hello, ${contact}`

Moniting room events

TBW ...