Write code
So you'd like to write some code to improve Wechaty? Awesome! There are several ways you can help Wechaty's development:
Report bugs in GitHub issues.
Join the wechaty mailing list and share your ideas for how to improve Wechaty. We're always open to suggestions. You can also interact on the Wechaty Gitter channel.
Working with git for new and/or fixed behavior. If you're looking for a way to get started contributing to Wechaty read the Contributing to Wechaty tutorial and have a look at the good first issues.
Triage issues and review pull requests created by other users.
Read the Advice for new contributors to help you get orientated in the development process.
Browse the following sections to find out how to give your code patches the best chances to be included in Wechaty core:
Special Thanks
I have to credit Django doc authors, because this documentation page is inspired by, and mostly copy/pasted from Django contributing docs