
Wechaty Environment Variables

Wechaty requires different environment variables to implement the bot. In this section, you will learn how to use the various environment variables.

Environment Variables

Environment variableDescriptionUsage
WECHATY_PUPPETdefines the Wechaty Puppet Provider NPM name and its parametersbash export WECHATY_PUPPET=wechaty-puppet-service export WECHATY_PUPPET_SERVICE_TOKEN="${TOKEN}"
WECHATY_TOKENinitializes the unique Wechaty Puppet Service Token, that is generating using the UUID Generator.bash export WECHATY_TOKEN='2fdb00a5-5c31-4018-84ac-c64e5f995057'
WECHATY_PUPPET_SERVER_PORTsets up the free server port for the Wechaty Puppet Service, also used for docker port mappingbash export WECHATY_PUPPET_SERVER_PORT=8788
WECHATY_LOGsets up the log mode for the service. Usually initialize the variable to Verbose mode as this gives more debug log messages. verbose mode is an option available in many OS that gives details on what the computer is doing, which drivers and software are being installed or loaded and many more.bash export WECHATY_LOG="verbose"