Using Redux with Wechaty
Wrap Wechaty with Redux Actions & Reducers for Easy State Management
Image Source: Managing your React state with Redux
What is Redux
Redux is a predictable state container designed to help you write JavaScript apps that behave consistently across client, server, and native environments
Why use Redux with Wechaty
Redux is used for application state management.
- makes the state predictable
- easier to trace which action causes any change
- makes it easier to test, maintain and debug
What is Ducks
🦆🦆🦆Ducks is a Reducer Bundles Manager that Implementing the Redux Ducks Modular Proposal with Great Convenience.
Image Credit: Alamy
Ducks offers a method of handling redux module packaging, installing, and running with your Redux store, with middleware support.
See Ducks is a Reducer Bundles Manager that Implements the Redux Ducks Modular Proposal with Great Convenience. It offers a method of handling redux module packaging, installing, and running with your Redux store, with middleware support.
npm install wechaty-redux
Vanilla Redux with Wechaty Redux Plugin
Vanilla Redux means using plain Redux without any additional libraries like Ducks.
import {
} from 'redux'
import {
} from 'redux-observable'
import { Wechaty } from 'wechaty'
import {
} from 'wechaty-redux'
// 1. Configure Store with RxJS Epic Middleware for Wechaty Ducks API
const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware()
const store = createStore(
const rootEpic = combineEpics(...Object.values(Api.epics))
// 2. Instanciate Wechaty and Install Redux Plugin
const bot = Wechaty.instance({ puppet: 'wechaty-puppet-mock' })
bot.use(WechatyRedux({ store }))
// 3. Using Redux Store with Wechaty Ducks API!
store.subscribe(() =>
store.dispatch(Api.actions.ding(, 'dispatch a ding action'))
// The above code 👆 is exactly do the same thing with the following code 👇 :
Api.operations.ding(store.dispatch)(, 'call ding from operations')
Ducks Proposal Style for Wechaty Redux Plugin
import { Wechaty } from 'wechaty'
import { Ducks } from 'ducks'
import {
} from 'wechaty-redux'
// 1. Ducksify Wechaty Redux API
const ducks = new Ducks({ wechaty: Api })
const store = ducks.configureStore()
// 2. Instanciate Wechaty with Redux Plugin
const bot = Wechaty.instance({ puppet: 'wechaty-puppet-mock' })
bot.use(WechatyRedux({ store }))
// 3. Using Redux Store with Wechaty Ducks API!
// (With the Power of Ducks / Ducksify)
const wechatyDuck = ducks.ducksify('wechaty')
store.subscribe(() =>
wechatyDuck.operations.ding(, 'Ducksify Style ding!')
Ducks Api
Ducks is very easy to use, because one of the goals of designing it is to maximize the convenience. To know more about the Ducks Api,please refer here.