



The Room ia a global class.All wechat rooms(groups) will be encapsulated as a Room.



idstringGet Room id. This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see puppet-compatible-table

Global class Room

Instance Methods

Instance MethodsReturn Type
say(text Or Contact Or File Or Url, ...mentionList)Promise
on(event, listener)Room
owner()Contact or null

Static Methods

Static MethodsReturn Type
create(contactList,topic)Promise <Room>
find(query)Promise <Room> or null

room.sync()Promise <void>

The method forces reload of data for Room and Sync data from lowlevel API again.


await room.sync()

The method sends message inside Room, if set mentionList, wechaty will mention the contact list as well.

Tips: This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see puppet-compatible-table

text Or Contact Or File Or UrlLink Or MiniProgramstring | Contact | FileBox | UrlLink | MiniProgramSend text, media file or link inside Room. You can use FileBox to send file
...mentionListContact []Send content inside Room, and mention @contact list.


import { FileBox }  from 'file-box'
import {
} from 'wechaty'

const bot = new Wechaty()
await bot.start()
// after logged in...
const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'wechaty'})

// 1. Send text inside Room

await room.say('Hello world!')

// 2. Send media file inside Room

import { FileBox } from 'file-box'
const fileBox1 = FileBox.fromUrl('https://wechaty.github.io/wechaty/images/bot-qr-code.png')
const fileBox2 = FileBox.fromLocal('/tmp/text.txt')
await room.say(fileBox1)
await room.say(fileBox2)

// 3. Send Contact Card in a room

const contactCard = await bot.Contact.find({name: 'lijiarui'}) // change 'lijiarui' to any of the room member
await room.say(contactCard)

// 4. Send text inside room and mention @mention contact

const members = await room.memberAll() // all members in this room
const someMembers = members.slice(0, 3);
await room.say('Hello world!', ...someMembers)

// 5. send Link inside room

const linkPayload = new UrlLink({
description : 'WeChat Bot SDK for Individual Account, Powered by TypeScript, Docker, and Love',
thumbnailUrl: 'https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/25162437?s=200&v=4',
title : 'Welcome to Wechaty',
url : 'https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty',
await room.say(linkPayload)

// 6. send MiniProgram (only supported by `wechaty-puppet-macpro`)

const miniProgram = new MiniProgram ({
appid : 'gh_0aa444a25adc',
title : '我正在使用Authing认证身份,你也来试试吧',
pagePath : 'routes/explore.html',
description : '身份管家',
thumbUrl : '30590201000452305002010002041092541302033d0af802040b30feb602045df0c2c5042b777875706c6f61645f31373533353339353230344063686174726f6f6d3131355f313537363035393538390204010400030201000400',
thumbKey : '42f8609e62817ae45cf7d8fefb532e83',
await room.say(miniProgram);

room.on(event, listener)this

The method returns: this - - Room for chain.

eventRoomEventNameEmit WechatyEvent
listenerRoomEventFunctionDepends on the WechatyEvent

Example (Event:join )

const bot = new Wechaty()
await bot.start()
// after logged in...
const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'topic of your room'}) // change `event-room` to any room topic in your wechat
if (room) {
room.on('join', (room, inviteeList, inviter) => {
const nameList = inviteeList.map(c => c.name()).join(',')
console.log(`Room got new member ${nameList}, invited by ${inviter}`)

Example (Event:leave )

const bot = new Wechaty()
await bot.start()
// after logged in...
const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'topic of your room'}) // change `event-room` to any room topic in your wechat
if (room) {
room.on('leave', (room, leaverList) => {
const nameList = leaverList.map(c => c.name()).join(',')
console.log(`Room lost member ${nameList}`)

Example (Event:topic )

const bot = new Wechaty()
await bot.start()
// after logged in...
const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'topic of your room'}) // change `event-room` to any room topic in your wechat
if (room) {
room.on('topic', (room, topic, oldTopic, changer) => {
console.log(`Room topic changed from ${oldTopic} to ${topic} by ${changer.name()}`)

Example (Event:invite )

const bot = new Wechaty()
await bot.start()
// after logged in...
const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'topic of your room'}) // change `event-room` to any room topic in your wechat
if (room) {
room.on('invite', roomInvitation => roomInvitation.accept())

room.add(contact)Promise <void>

The method adds contact in a room.Check the below example for implementation.

Tips: This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see puppet-compatible-table

see Web version of WeChat closed group interface



const bot = new Wechaty()
await bot.start()
// after logged in...
const contact = await bot.Contact.find({name: 'lijiarui'}) // change 'lijiarui' to any contact in your wechat
const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'wechat'}) // change 'wechat' to any room topic in your wechat
if (room) {
try {
await room.add(contact)
} catch(e) {

room.del(contact)Promise <void>

The method deletes a contact from the room .It works only when the bot is the owner of the room.Check the below example for implementation.

Tips: This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see puppet-compatible-table

see Web version of WeChat closed group interface



const bot = new Wechaty()
await bot.start()
// after logged in...
const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'wechat'}) // change 'wechat' to any room topic in your wechat
const contact = await bot.Contact.find({name: 'lijiarui'}) // change 'lijiarui' to any room member in the room you just set
if (room) {
try {
await room.del(contact)
} catch(e) {

room.quit()Promise <void>

This method helps the bot quit the room itself.Check the below example for implementation.

Tips: This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see puppet-compatible-table


await room.quit()

room.topic([newTopic])Promise <void | string>

The method sets or gets topic from the room.Check the below example for implementation.

[newTopic]stringIf set this para, it will change room topic.

Example (When you say anything in a room, it will get room topic. )

const bot = new Wechaty()
.on('message', async m => {
const room = m.room()
if (room) {
const topic = await room.topic()
console.log(`room topic is : ${topic}`)

Example (When you say anything in a room, it will change room topic. )

const bot = new Wechaty()
.on('message', async m => {
const room = m.room()
if (room) {
const oldTopic = await room.topic()
await room.topic('change topic to wechaty!')
console.log(`room topic change from ${oldTopic} to ${room.topic()}`)

room.announce([text])Promise <void | string>

The methos sets or gets announcement from the room.Check the below example for implementation.

Tips: It only works when bot is the owner of the room.

This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see puppet-compatible-table

[text]stringIf set this para, it will change room announce.

Example (When you say anything in a room, it will get room announce. )

const bot = new Wechaty()
await bot.start()
// after logged in...
const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'your room'})
const announce = await room.announce()
console.log(`room announce is : ${announce}`)

Example (When you say anything in a room, it will change room announce. )

const bot = new Wechaty()
await bot.start()
// after logged in...
const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'your room'})
const oldAnnounce = await room.announce()
await room.announce('change announce to wechaty!')
console.log(`room announce change from ${oldAnnounce} to ${room.announce()}`)

room.qrcode()Promise <string>

This method get QR Code of the Room from the room, which can be scanned to join the room.

Tips: This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see puppet-compatible-table

room.alias(contact)Promise <string | null>

The method gets the contact's roomAlias in the room.It returns Promise <string | null> - - If a contact has an alias in room,otherwise return null.



const bot = new Wechaty()
.on('message', async m => {
const room = m.room()
const contact = m.from()
if (room) {
const alias = await room.alias(contact)
console.log(`${contact.name()} alias is ${alias}`)

room.has(contact)Promise <boolean>

Check if the room has member contact, the return is a Promise and must be await-ed.The method returns true if has contact, else return false.


Example (Check whether 'lijiarui' is in the room 'wechaty')

const bot = new Wechaty()
await bot.start()
// after logged in...
const contact = await bot.Contact.find({name: 'lijiarui'}) // change 'lijiarui' to any of contact in your wechat
const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'wechaty'}) // change 'wechaty' to any of the room in your wechat
if (contact && room) {
if (await room.has(contact)) {
console.log(`${contact.name()} is in the room wechaty!`)
} else {
console.log(`${contact.name()} is not in the room wechaty!`)

room.memberAll([query])Promise <Contact []>

Find all contacts in a room


  • name the name-string set by user-self, should be called name, equal to Contact.name()
  • roomAlias the name-string set by user-self in the room, should be called roomAlias
  • contactAlias the name-string set by bot for others, should be called alias, equal to Contact.alias()

Kind: instance method of Room

[query]RoomMemberQueryFilter | stringOptional parameter, When use memberAll(name:string), return all matched members, including name, roomAlias, contactAlias


const memberList: Conatct[] = await room.memberAll()
console.log(`room all member list: `, memberList)

const memberContactList: Conatct[] = await room.memberAll(`abc`)
console.log(`contact list with all name, room alias, alias are abc:`, memberContactList)

room.member(queryArg)Promise <Contact | null>

This method finds all contacts in a room, if it gets many, then first one is returned.

queryArgRoomMemberQueryFilter | stringWhen use member(name:string), return all matched members, including name, roomAlias, contactAlias

Example (Find member by name)

const bot = new Wechaty()
await bot.start()
// after logged in...
const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'wechaty'}) // change 'wechaty' to any room name in your wechat
if (room) {
const member = await room.member('lijiarui') // change 'lijiarui' to any room member in your wechat
if (member) {
console.log(`wechaty room got the member: ${member.name()}`)
} else {
console.log(`cannot get member in wechaty room!`)

Example (Find member by MemberQueryFilter)

const bot = new Wechaty()
await bot.start()
// after logged in...
const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'wechaty'}) // change 'wechaty' to any room name in your wechat
if (room) {
const member = await room.member({name: 'lijiarui'}) // change 'lijiarui' to any room member in your wechat
if (member) {
console.log(`wechaty room got the member: ${member.name()}`)
} else {
console.log(`cannot get member in wechaty room!`)

room.owner()Contact | null

The method gets the room's owner from the room.

Tips: This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see puppet-compatible-table


const owner = room.owner()

room.avatar()Promise <FileBox>

The method gets room's avatar.Check the below example for implementation.

Tips: This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see puppet-compatible-table


const owner = room.avatar()

Static Methods

Room.create(contactList, [topic])Promise <Room>

The method creates a new room.Check the below example for implementation.


Example (Creat a room with 'lijiarui' and 'juxiaomi', the room topic is 'ding - created')

const helperContactA = await Contact.find({ name: 'lijiarui' })  // change 'lijiarui' to any contact in your wechat
const helperContactB = await Contact.find({ name: 'juxiaomi' }) // change 'juxiaomi' to any contact in your wechat
const contactList = [helperContactA, helperContactB]
console.log('Bot', 'contactList: %s', contactList.join(','))
const room = await Room.create(contactList, 'ding')
console.log('Bot', 'createDingRoom() new ding room created: %s', room)
await room.topic('ding - created')
await room.say('ding - created')

Room.findAll([query])Promise <Room []>

The method finds the room by by filter: {topic: string | RegExp}, and returns all the matched rooms.Check the below example for implementation.



const bot = new Wechaty()
await bot.start()
// after logged in
const roomList = await bot.Room.findAll() // get the room list of the bot
const roomList = await bot.Room.findAll({topic: 'wechaty'}) // find all of the rooms with name 'wechaty'

Room.find(query)Promise <Room>

Try to find a room by filter: {topic: string | RegExp}. The method returns Promise <Room> String - If it finds the room,or return null.If the method gets get many,it returns the first one.



const bot = new Wechaty()
await bot.start()
// after logged in...
const roomList = await bot.Room.find()
const roomList = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'wechaty'})


There are many Typedefs supported by Room and details about each of the typedefs are given below :


This typedef is used as a filter to find the room: {topic: string | RegExp}.




Room Class Event Type


joinstringEmit when anyone join any room.
topicstringGet topic event, emitted when someone change room topic.
leavestringEmit when anyone leave the room. If someone leaves the room by themselves, wechat will not notice other people in the room, so the bot will never get the "leave" event.


This typedef is a Room Class Event Function that has the following properties as listed below:


room-joinfunction(this: Room, inviteeList: Contact[] , inviter: Contact) => void
room-topicfunction(this: Room, topic: string, oldTopic: string, changer: Contact) => void
room-leavefunction(this: Room, leaver: Contact) => void


This typedef is used to search member by Room.member().


namestringFind the contact by wechat name in a room, equal to Contact.name().
roomAliasstringFind the contact by alias set by the bot for others in a room.
contactAliasstringFind the contact by alias set by the contact out of a room, equal to Contact.alias(). More Detail