
Room Invitation

Room Invitation

Room Invitation is a global class that accepts room invitation. This section describes the methods of the Room Invitation class.

Instance MethodsReturn type
topic()Promise (String)
date()Promise (Date)
age()Promise (Number)

roomInvitation.accept()Promise <void>

This method accepts the room invitation. See the following example:


const bot = new Wechaty()
bot.on('room-invite', async roomInvitation => {
try {
console.log(`received room-invite event.`)
await roomInvitation.accept()
} catch (e) {

roomInvitation.inviter()Promise <Contact>

This method gets the inviter from the room invitation. Check the following example:


const bot = new Wechaty()
bot.on('room-invite', async roomInvitation => {
const inviter = await roomInvitation.inviter()
const name = inviter.name()
console.log(`received room invitation event from ${name}`)

roomInvitation.topic()Promise <string>

The method gets the room topic from room invitation as shown in the below example:


const bot = new Wechaty()
bot.on('room-invite', async roomInvitation => {
const topic = await roomInvitation.topic()
console.log(`received room invitation event from room ${topic}`)

roomInvitation.date()Promise <Date>

The method gets the invitation date and time.

roomInvitation.age()Promise <number>

The method returns the roopm invitation age in seconds. For example, the invitation is sent at time 8:43:01, and when we received it in Wechaty, the time is 8:43:15, then the age() will return 8:43:15 - 8:43:01 = 14 (seconds)