Wechaty contributor program
The Wechaty Contributor Program provides valuable supports for qualified contributors.
Our Mission: build the most easy-to-use conversational SDK across all messaging platforms for chatbot makers.
It takes a community to design, build, and ship a great chatbot.
Building a chatbot that is on top of Wechaty? Apply for our Contributor Program! The possibilities are endless, and you enjoy the kudos.
Table of Contents
- Wechaty Contributor Program Suppliers
- Submit a blog post Publish your blog post to the Wechaty community
1 Free Puppet Service Token
- WorkPro
- PadLocal
- Paimon
- Donut
Learn more about Wechaty Puppet Services from our document and the blog post.
2. Support the Wechaty Project
You can help the project by supporting this project as becoming a backer.
The following are our existing backers. Thank you to everyone! 🙏 [Become a backer]
You need to add the Wechaty Contributor Program badge after you join this program.
Cite Wechaty
To cite this project in publications:
author = {Huan LI, Rui LI},
title = {Wechaty: Conversational RPA SDK for Chatbot Makers},
year = {2016},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub Repository},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty}},
Community Public Server Access
See: Provide a Community Development Server for Wechaty Contributors wechaty/PMC#13
How to publish blogs
Send a Pull Request to our website repo at https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty.js.org
How to share your open source project
Add this Wechaty badge to your README:
Then add it to the list at Project using Wechaty
Third-Party Supports for Wechaty Contributors
If you are looking for the contributor program from Juzi.BOT, please go to visit the great introduction documentation at https://github.com/juzibot/Welcome/wiki/Everything-about-Wechaty/