
Puppet Provider: DIY

Wechaty Puppet DIY

Do It Yourself

You can make a Wechaty Puppet Provider easily.

You can build a Wechaty Puppet Service by yourself with any Wechaty Puppet Providers.


A Wechaty Puppet is a node package published on NPM that follow a defined convention.

How to implement a wechaty puppet

related tutorial: How to implement a wechaty-puppet



The package.json is a manifest format for describing Node.js modules. Wechaty Puppets are built on top of Node modules. It declares dependencies, version, ownership, and other information required to run a plugin in Wechaty. This document describes the schema in detail.

A plugin manifest package.json can also contain details about the required configuration. The configuration schema is defined in the wechaty field of the package.json (This field follow the JSON-Schema guidelines):

"name": "wechaty-puppet-mytest",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "This is my first Wechaty Puppet",
"engines": {
"wechaty": ">=0.16.x"
"wechaty": {
"properties": {
"myConfigKey": {
"type": "string",
"default": "it's the default value",
"description": "It defines my awesome config!"

You can learn more about package.json from the NPM documentation.

The package name must begin with wechaty-puppet- and the package engines should contain wechaty.


The mod.ts is the main entry point of your puppet implementation:

import { Puppet } from 'wechaty'

export class PuppetMyTest extends Puppet {
// ... implenmentation here ...

export default PuppetMyTest

Publish Your Puppet

Wechaty Puppet can be published on NPM.

To publish a new Puppet, you need to create an account on npmjs.com then publish it from the command line:

npm publish





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