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Shwetal Soni: GSOD'21 project proposal for wechaty
GSOD21 Proposal for Wechaty
In gsod, May 03, 2021Create easy to learn tutorials for beginner users of Wechaty
My name is Jaya Gupta, I am a 3rd year Informational Technology Student currently persuing my B.Tech from HMRITM, Delhi. I have learned various programming languages such as C , C, PY...
In gsod, May 03, 2021微信群机器人-读经助手
笔者将从 开发意图、产品功能特性、技术方案、心得体会 等方面回顾总结 微信群机器人-读经助手 的产品开发历程,希望对其他开发者有所帮助。
In project, May 02, 2021Reconstruct Wechaty landing page with value propositions
What is Value Proposition? A value proposition is a statement that answers the ‘why’ someone should do business with you. It should convince a potential customer why your servic...
In gsod, May 01, 2021Google Season of Docs ❤️ Wechaty
What is Google Season of Docs?Season of Docs is an annual program organised by Google.Its goal is to bring technical writers and open source organisations together to foster collabo...
In announcement, gsod, Apr 30, 2021AI Poet Chatbot powered by Python Wechaty & PaddleHub
小白也能超快上手的AI ChatBot教程,这次教大家一个用基于Python Wechaty和 PaddlePaddle 框架运行的,用AI续写情话的对话机器人。
In tutorial, Apr 24, 2021AI ChatBot Creation Camp创意赛重磅来袭!
In article, Apr 22, 2021入门:小白如何在wechaty社区发布自己的第一篇博客(一)
In article, Apr 22, 2021教你用python-wecahty和web协议开发机器人
写这篇文章的原因: go-wechaty作者dchaofei抢先写了web协议复活的博客,作为python-wechaty的作者我也需要给大家更加详细的介绍如何使用python-wechaty来登陆web版本的微信。
In article, Apr 17, 2021教你用go-wecahty和web协议开发机器人
写这篇文章的原因: 最近发现 web 协议以某种方式又复活了,所以想让 go-wechaty 的小伙伴也能使用 web 协议。
In article, Apr 16, 2021Chatie API Service Incident Report
The Wechaty Puppet Serviceis running on top of the service,which is open-sourced at here.It has been running for 5+ yearson a Heroku free Dynowith Cloudflare CDN...
In article, Apr 15, 2021重磅:使用UOS微信桌面版协议登录,wechaty免费版web协议重放荣光
In article, Apr 13, 2021Go开发微信群聊互动机器人
In tutorial, Apr 12, 2021RCS Messaging Chatbot
Rich Communication Services (RCS) is a communication protocol between mobile-telephone carriers and between phone and carrier, aiming at replacing SMS messages with a text-message s...
In article, Mar 27, 2021Applying the documentation system to Wechaty docs
This year, Wechaty organization is applying the Google Season of Docs program because we want to improve our documentation for the community.
In announcement, gsod, Mar 25, 2021基于标签的多功能服务系统&检测你身边的VIP用户
随着时间的推移,我们在不断的认识新的朋友,不断加新的好友, 在我们的微信里, 好友列表会有很多,甚至上千人,有的时候我们自己也理不清哪些好友是我们的客户,哪些好友是我们的朋友同学,哪些好友是我们在某次活动相识,甚至哪些好友只是萍水相逢但是实际上却极有可能是我们很好的潜在客户或者未来的合作伙伴,而因为平时的忽视可能就这样错过。
In project, Mar 17, 2021Summer of Wechaty, 我们来啦
去年夏天,Wechaty 社区参与了“开源软件供应链点亮计划-暑期2020”(以下简称暑期2020)活动,在为期三个月的开发结束后,多位同学顺利完成开发,为 Wechaty 社区实现多平台、多语言、多功能贡献了智慧和力量。点此了解更多。
In event, Mar 14, 2021Python-wechaty & wechaty-puppet-padlocal的初探
本文为本地运行python-wechaty + 云上虚拟机运行wechaty-puppet-padlocal的简易教学
In article, Mar 08, 2021Wechaty Puppet Providers Trends
Do you want know which Wechaty Puppet Provider is most used by our Wechaty developers?
In announcement, Mar 04, 2021Google Cloud Shell Tutorials for Wechaty
Today, We have created a Google Cloud Shell Tutorial for easy getting started with Wechaty!
In tutorial, Feb 20, 2021Wechaty-Puppet-Whatsapp Has been Published
With the introduction of wechaty puppet and the growth of the wechaty ecosystem and community, we’re happy to introduce wechaty-puppet-whatsapp which connects Wechaty API, the convers...
In announcement, Feb 15, 2021Gource Visualization for Wechaty
Gource is an amazing and flexible tool that can be used to display activity from your repositories using a video visualization that people love.— How to use Gource to visualize your...
In story, Feb 14, 2021Featured
New Wechaty Puppet Service: SimplePad
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基于开放 API 封装 Wechaty 接口下的飞书聊天机器人:期末
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用 Wechaty 实现微信任务小助手(wechat teamin chat robot)
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用 Wechaty 实现微信诗歌搜索机器人(wechat poem robot)
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使用 [Matrix] 收发微信消息
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dotnet club 借助 Wechaty 沉淀深度技术对话
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wewe 向全世界公开群消息
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Wechaty - 让线上没有难做的生意
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Integrate Wechat Personal Account to Microsoft BotFramework with a BotBuilder Wechaty Connector
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构建脸盲聊天机器人--Wechaty Blinder
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wechaty-electron 把你的wechaty 变成客户端
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Score Your Face Photo: a ML & Wechaty practice
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An interesting weekend with Wechaty
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Interact Wechaty with Ruby on Rails from scratch
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